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碳費徵收法規年底完成 明年決定費率







The Environmental Protection Agency held the "Net Zero Transformation, Moving Forward Together" climate forum yesterday, gathering industry, government, academia, and research institutes to discuss carbon reduction. Among them, the Environmental Protection Agency announced the progress of climate governance. The biggest focus is the collection of carbon fees. The initial plan is to collect annual emissions two. 50,000 tons of electric power or manufacturing companies, and set goals, voluntary reduction and other plans, it is expected to complete the carbon fee collection regulations by the end of this year, and send it to the carbon fee review committee to decide the rate next year.

Cai Lingyi, Director of the Environmental Protection Agency and Director of the Office of Climate Change, estimates Taiwan's carbon emissions to be 2. Electricity with more than 50,000 tons of electricity and the total carbon emissions of manufacturers account for 70% of the country's total carbon emissions, so the plan is the object of the initial collection, but the industry can submit "voluntary carbon reduction plans", such as committing to carbon reduction targets by 2030 , the carbon fee can be discounted or even exempted. Carbon rights trading, carbon rights of reused products, etc., are subject to follow-up research on supply and demand and trading systems.

Waste will be subdivided into 3 resources

Zhang Zijing, head of the Environmental Protection Agency, emphasized yesterday that the definition of "waste" should be reversed to maximize resources and minimize waste. He announced that the "Resource Circulation Promotion Law" will be introduced. Unify raw materials. In the future, domestic and corporate waste will be subdivided into three types of resources. The first and second types can be reused and must be returned to the supplier or refined and remanufactured. Only those that cannot be used can be turned into the third type. A "promotion fee" is levied to subsidize the remanufactured products Market utilization of materials. Lai Yingying, head of the waste management department, said that the object of the promotion fee is yet to be discussed, and the draft is expected to be presented in the second half of the year.

Vice Minister of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Zeng Wensheng mentioned that the key to Taiwan's carbon reduction is energy, which will be implemented from seven key technologies: wind, light, heat, sea, hydrogen, storage, and sink. Wang Hanying, director of the Green Energy and Environment Research Institute of the Industrial Technology Research Institute, emphasized that "no one is an outsider in the trend of net zero carbon emissions", and believes that low-carbon energy and environmental sustainability will bring new industries, new services and new life.


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